Special Blood Drives for Wesley Madden at Two High Schools

Special Blood Drives for Wesley Madden at Two High Schools

FLOWOOD, Miss. — Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) will be holding two special blood drives for Wesley “Wes” Madden in February.

Puckett High School 

6382 MS-18, Puckett MS


Tuesday, February 12
8:30am – 1:30pm


Brookhaven High School
443 E. Monticello Street, Brookhaven, MS
Saturday, February 15
10:00am – 2:00pm

Wes, a devoted husband and father of three young boys, and friend and family member of ourschool community, was recently diagnosed with leukemia. As he undergoes treatment, he will
need life-saving blood transfusions—and platelets.

Help us spread the love this February—donate today and make a difference!

Wes, and other patients in similar situations, are depending on the kindness of their fellow
Mississippians to roll up their sleeves and give blood. Please take a few minutes out of your busy
schedule and help save a life.

To ensure a smooth and safe donation experience, remember to:
1. Bring a valid ID with you for verification purposes.
2. Make sure you have eaten within the last 4 hours before donating. A balanced meal helps
prevent reactions and supports a successful donation process.
3. Drink plenty of fluids before and after donating. Proper hydration is crucial for reducing
potential reactions and ensuring adequate blood collections.

Donors must be at least 16 years old (16-year-olds need signed parental consent), weigh at least
110 pounds and have a valid ID.

Visit us at msblood.com or call us at (888) 90-BLOOD (902-5663) for more information. Donors
can visit the MBS website and complete the donor history portion of their donation before they
come out by visiting https://www.donorhistory.com/mbs/dhq.htm. The form must be completed
the same day as their donation.

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