Our Skills and Expertise
Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) is a not-for-profit blood service founded in 1979. Our mission is to provide a safe and adequate supply of voluntarily donated blood and blood components for patients in hospitals and to offer related services to our hospitals and other medical facilities.
MBS is the only FDA licensed blood center headquartered in Mississippi created to manage our state's blood supply. We service hospitals across the state.
MBS operates nine drawing centers across the State of Mississippi with distribution hubs in Jackson, Oxford and Cleveland. MBS supplies a safe and adequate supply of blood and blood products to hospitals in Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee.
Our History
In 1975, through the initiative of 26 civic clubs, Mississippi Regional Blood Center was formed. This initiative, along with a $400,000 federal grant provided start-up funding for the new blood center, with the stipulation that the center offer its services to hospitals and patients throughout Mississippi.
In November 1979, Mississippi Blood Services, Inc., was created through the consolidation of Family Blood Assurance Program and Mississippi Regional Blood Center.
MBS is licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), a founding member of Blood Centers of America, Inc. (BCA/hemerica), a member of America's Blood Centers (ABC), and a member of the South Central Association of Blood Banks (SCABB).