blood drive basics
Before the Drive
- Work with your Mississippi Blood Services representative throughout the process.
- Set the date well in advance, avoiding scheduling conflicts with other major events in your organization.
- Select a location. Does your facility have a room that can be dedicated to a blood drive or would a donor coach better suit your needs?
- Recruit volunteers to help you sign up donors.
- Sign up donors, using the Mississippi Blood Services online scheduling system – this will help you keep track of your signups and offer donor reminders.
- Advertise the drive through newsletters, bulletin boards, hallways and elevators, your organization’s intranet, social media pages, and via email. Mississippi Blood Services can provide you with posters, flyers, table tents and/or electronic images.
Day of the Drive
- Arrive early to meet the team. We’ll arrive up to 1 hour prior to the first appointment in order to set up.
- Be available throughout the day in case the Mississippi Blood Services drive supervisor needs your assistance.
- Send reminders or make calls to scheduled donors, especially those who miss their appointments.
After the Drive
- Get your drive results from your Mississippi Blood Services representative. They can share with you how many units were collected relative to your goal.
- Celebrate success by sharing your results with your donors and acknowledging everyone’s participation in the drive. Reinforcing everyone’s positive experience sets the stage for making your drive an annual event!
- Provide feedback to Mississippi Blood Services so we can continue our efforts to make blood drives a positive experience for organizations and donors.
Sign Up to Host a Blood Drive Here!
Learn More About Hosting a Blood Drive!